StoxPoker (
is a leading online poker training site focusing on low- to
mid-level stakes games. Having merged with CardRunners back in
September of 2008, the poker training site no longer concentrates on
high-stakes, nosebleed poker, but does present some excellent
discounts to members who wish to sign up at CardRunners as
StoxPoker was established by founder Nick “stoxtrader” Grudzien - professional poker player and author of “Winning in Tough Hold'em Games”. Grudzien has proven his elite poker skills time and again, being one of the only professional poker players to have won more than $1 million in a wide range of stakes, including $25/$50 No Limit Hold’em and $500/$1,000 Limit Hold’em.
Joining Grudzien in developing a enormous variety of quality instructional videos is a team of successful, dedicated poker pros, including Bryce Paradis, renowned as one of the top poker video instructors in the industry.
In 2007, the StoxPoker team won a combined total of more than $5 million playing poker. They are more than happy to share their expertise with the world in their multitude of StoxPoker Training Videos. The poker videos are extremely detailed, allowing viewers to basically watch over the shoulder of the pros as they explain each and every move – from the unexpected folds to abrupt all-ins.
StoxPoker isn’t just about poker training videos, though. The site also offers Pro Blogs and Member Blogs, a Community Forum, and additional videos developed by members of the site.
As an added bonus, you don’t even have to be a registered or paid member to use the StoxPoker Hand History Convertor, available to all directly on the web site. The StoxPoker Hand History converter is currently compatible with PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and PartyPoker.
In September of 2008, StoxPoker merged with fellow online poker training center CardRunners. The two companies agreed to remain separate entities, but work together to provide the highest quality poker training on the web. StoxPoker focuses primarily on low- to mid-level stakes poker instruction, while CardRunners delves further into deepstack tournaments and high-stakes cash game poker strategies.
The merger also presents members of either or both poker training centers with exceptional discounts (see membership fees section below). Additionally, members of either StoxPoker or CardRunners are able to purchase the Hold'em Manager Software for a discounted price of only $45.
Stox Poker Lead Instructors
StoxPoker has a powerhouse of poker instructors with proven abilities and years of expertise. StoxPoker Lead Instructors include founder Nick “stoxtrader” Grudzien, Bryce “Freedom25” Paradis, Dusty “Leatherass” Schmidt and Matt Matros. All are highly accomplished poker pros, while both Grudzien and Matros are authors of best selling poker books as well. [Nick Grudzien: Winning In Tough Hold'em Games – Matt Matros: The Making of a Poker Player]
Stox Poker Coaches
StoxPoker also has an impressive roster of video coaches including Kyle “Cottonseed” Hendon, Ed Miller, Collin Moshman, I Jay Palansky, Jared Tendler, Hunter Bick, James Davis, Dan Abrams, Graham Ribchester, Reese Newell, Stosh McConnel, Eric Rodawig, Chris Fargis, Ben Kniaz, Travis Trail, Bob RotruckPatrick Minton, Brian Aleksa, Jason Ho, Alan Jackson, Jeremy Steinhausen, Adam Baird, James Sweeney and Felipe Mesquita. Membership
There are two types of StoxPoker Memberships – Free Registration and Time-Based Subscription:
Free Registration
As a free member of StoxPoker, you can view sample clips of recent videos and view the StoxPoker Forums (no posting, though). You can preview all StoxPoker Training Courses, use the Hand History Converter, View/Search the Hand Database and visit the StoxShop (apparel, poker boos, e-books and more).
Subscription - $27.99/month to $299/year
A subscription to StoxPoker is $27.99 per month, $149.99 for six months or $299 for one year. However, there are even cheaper ways to subscribe to StoxPoker. For example, members of CardRunners are given a 33% discount. Also, as a CardRunners member, StoxPoker will waive the normal $99 one-time, new-user sign-up fee.