Best Poker Sites for Mixed Games
"Mixed Poker Games" are a bit of a phenomenon, because they have been around forever but have only recently seen an explosion in popularity. A "mixed game" is a poker game where the actual game you are playing rotates in a fixed interval. For example, "HO" is a mixed game where players alternate between playing Hold'em and playing Omaha. Online poker has allowed mixed games to become much more popular, mainly because live poker rooms don't spread the game. Now though, you can log onto any of the mixed game poker sites below and be playing a mixed game online instantly. Ok, here are our favorite poker sites with mixed games:
Online Mixed Poker Games
Although both of the Mixed Game poker sites listed above use the "counted hand" system, some other online poker sites as well as live poker rooms use a "timer system". Instead of rotating every X or XX hands, the games rotate every XX minutes. There isn't much difference in strategy, just a structural difference.
When you are playing mixed games online, you will notice that there isn't nearly as much traffic as there is at the Hold'em or Omaha tables. That is simply because most players don't know all the games in HORSE or 7- or 8-game games, so they don't want to waste their money playing a game they don't know. To learn more about mixed games, read our Mixed Game poker rules.
The final point we want to discuss is why we only listed two mixed game poker rooms. The reason is because Full Tilt and CarbonPoker offer by far the most mixed games, and they actually have players at the tables. Other sites offer HORSE poker online, but they cannot get players to the table. That is why we always recommend mixed game players play at Full Tilt or Pokerstars.